Dog Security
Andor Security Service is a leader when it comes to surveillance with dogs. The dog brigade of Andor Security Service is a specialized and highly respected discipline within our services. Our security guards are trained for vigilance and have the right knowledge and skills, even for security without dogs.
Quality over quantity
We also operate professionally and professionally in dog guarding and dog security. Reliability, safety and quality are our watchwords. We achieve this by doing the right things really well and staying in constant dialogue with our clients.
A competent team of dog guards
The dog handlers and guard dogs are fully certified according to the programme of the NBvdD (Dutch Service Dog Association) and/or KNPV (Royal Dutch Police Dogs Association). We therefore have an excellent team of qualified, certified and motivated dog handlers.
Want to know more about what our dog guards and dog security can do for you? Then contact us.
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Andor Security Service