Explosives Detection Dogs (EDD)

Door het toenemende risico op terroristische activiteiten is er een grotere behoefte aan gespecialiseerde diensten, zoals inzet van detectiehonden, die de kans op schade door terroristische aanslagen minimaliseert. Denk hierbij aan luchthavens, nationale overheidsinstellingen, evenementen en organisaties met een bijzonder zwaar risico. De tijd van nu dwingt organisaties na te denken over deze risico’s. De doelstelling bij terrorisme ligt immers niet in het schaden van de gekozen organisatie, maar in de schade die de actie veroorzaakt aan de samenleving. Hoe beschermt u uw organisatie tegen deze risico’s? Maak gebruik van onze detectiehonden.

Andor Security EDD-teams (Explosive Detection Dogs)

Onze EDD-teams zijn speciaal opgeleid en getraind om ingezet te worden bij verdenking of een kans op aanwezigheid van explosieven door vakkundige inzet van detectiehonden. De honden zijn opgeleid om de 12 basisstoffen (TNO) te herkennen. De geleiders hebben een uitgebreide opleiding explosieven en veiligheidsmaatregelen afgerond. Alle hondengeleiders zijn gecertificeerd en hebben met hun detectiehonden positief resultaat behaald bij het examen Speurhond Explosieven van de Nederlandse bond voor de diensthond. Our EDD teams can be deployed at, among others:

  • preventive searches for improvised explosive devices (bomb checks);
  • searches in response to bomb threats;
  • specific searches for fireworks, firearms and/or ammunition.

Requirements for EDD teams

Our teams are trained as bomb scouts IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). In addition, the dog and handler as a team are certified for detecting explosives. Because of this combination, we more than meet the legal requirements and are able to carry out assignments effectively.

Quality management own organisation

As an organisation, we carry various quality marks, such as the security quality mark and the quality mark for security, events and the hospitality sector. We also work according to the ISO 9001 standards. In addition to these quality marks, we have permits to manage explosives (art. 17 Explosives for Civil Use Act). This permit is important because it allows us to train teams in an environment that matches the environment of our clients. As a result, we achieve a high operational degree and teams are well prepared for the work at our clients' sites.


Nationale Spoorwegen (NS): bomb checks in case of events or special transports.
P&O: various services with tracking dogs.
Event locations: preventive controls of football matches, festivals and concerts.

Conditions for the use of detection dogs

Andor Security considers quality and results very important. This means that we make clear agreements about the execution of our services. 

  • Effort versus result: What can you expect from our efforts? How much can the team control in a given time frame? What are obstacles in this process?
  • The physical situation: what conditions must the location fulfil to be effective? What are the risks of the location?
  • Protocols: how do we act in the event of deviations or the detection of an explosive? You will understand that prior coordination of the actions is crucial at the time of detection.

You can expect us to give you expert advice on the points mentioned. In addition, we check these points again when we start up the assignment. This way, we ensure a transparent process and clear expectations.


Our other services

Mobile surveillance

Burglars and vandals are increasingly targeting business parks, shopping centres and residential areas. The mobile surveillance of Andor Security Service helps prevent crime, vandalism, unnecessary alarms and fire hazards. It also creates a safe feeling. Our skilled surveillants provide surveillance of buildings, objects and grounds.

Object security

Object surveillance by Andor Security Service: that is security through professional monitoring of your object, for example your business premises or home. Burglary, fire or an accident not only cause direct damage, but also unwanted interruptions of the business process. You limit that risk by outsourcing your security to Andor Security Service.